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bring to an end的用法与搭配

v. 使结束;煞尾



    In contrast with a depression a recession is relatively easy to bring to an end .
    If once we really felt the responsibility of our own actions how quickly we could bring to an end all these wars this appalling misery !
    The new treaty will bring to an end the long war .
    Sure it rankled that apple took 30 % but hey at least it would bring to an end the parasitic free riding that was endemic on the web .
    The release could bring to an end an embarrassing setback for wal-mart in a crucial growth market .
    Will the troubles in the us subprime market pass by as a little local difficulty or will they start a rout across capital markets and bring to an end the great bull run in a broad range of asset classes ?
    The unveiling of the second bail-out plan for fannie mae and freddie mac on september 7th-to say nothing of the dwindling fortunes of lehman brothers in the succeeding days-was a reminder that the credit crunch is proving infuriatingly difficult to bri
    The meeting would bring to an end what amounted to a four-month chinese boycott of the french leader and remove a serious impediment to warmer ties between china and the eu more generally .
    Two things : the success of airbus in achieving rough market-share parity at the end of the 1990s and resentment over launch aid for the a380 the superjumbo designed to bring to an end the long reign of the 747 .
    Slowing economies from the u.s. to china increasingly wary shoppers recession in much of europe and a stronger dollar could bring to an end at least 10 continuous quarters of profit growth for america 's biggest

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